Money Laundering Update and Topical Issues

The course is designed to make delegates aware of the regulatory requirements and relevant guidance issued by the appropriate professional bodies. The course will also cover the practical application of the regime and topical issues relating to money laundering.

The content will include:

  • Money Laundering Regulations 2017 (as amended)
  • The latest position on publication of CCAB and HMRC AML guidance
  • Any updates to guidance issued by any of the main professional bodies
  • Any other recent legislation or case law having an impact on AML issues
  • Guidance on the common problems experienced by firms when implementing AML policies and procedures
  • Any other relevant changes that have occurred or are expected

A selection of real (anonymised) queries from firms in practice and the answer will be provided by us. These questions may relate to verifying identity or source of funds, the duty to report, the reporting exemption in privileged circumstances, tipping off and other issues.

CPD Course
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