Compliance Conference 2018

Our one day Compliance Conference has been specially designed for accountants who require an update on current compliance issues. Speakers will look at recent and upcoming key changes together with other current issues, to enable those attending to give the best possible advice to their clients.

The topics covered are:

  • Employment Law Update
  • Criminal Finances Act 2017
  • GDPR and other Acronyms
  • Money Laundering Regulations
  • Handling enquiries, disclosure agreements & evasion
  • General Practice Regulations

Full Agenda


Welcome and Introduction by Conference Chairperson


Employment Law Update

Louise Dunford

This lively summary will take delegates through as many of the most important developments in employment law in the last 12 months as time permits. It will include the following:
  • Employment status - the gig economy cases, the Taylor report and the future
  • Reform of IR35?
  • Minimum wage - the most recent cases, in particular 'on call' working time
  • Holiday pay and overtime and other regular payments, the Dudley council case
  • Introduction of bereavement leave and grandparental leave
  • The abolition of employment tribunal charges - the implications
  • Disciplinary procedures - what is new?
  • Changes to look out for in the next 12 months

10.25am Refreshment break


New Criminal Offence for Companies and Partnerships - Failure to Prevent Facilitation of Tax Evasion

Mark Morton, Mercia Group Ltd

The Criminal Finances Act 2017 has introduced a new corporate offence of failure to prevent the facilitation of tax evasion. Companies and partnerships can be subject to prosecution if employees, agents or other persons providing services to the business are involved in tax evasion. A defence against prosecution is available for such entities if they have assessed the risks involved and installed prevention measures. Accountants are in a prime position to help clients to assess the risks involved and install prevention measures and this session will look at the new rules.


GDPR and other Acronyms

Andy Larkum, ADL Consulting

During this session Andy will:

  • Provide an introduction to the GDPR
  • Describe the backdrop to and need for change
  • Explain some of the fundamentals of the GDPR
  • Discuss the change in thinking required by businesses
  • Describe some practical steps that businesses should be taking now

12.15pm Lunch


Money Laundering Regulations - What's New

David Norris, Mercia Group/SWAT UK

This session will raise awareness of new regulatory requirements and relevant updated guidance issued by the appropriate professional bodies. It will also cover topical issues relating to money laundering and include a refresher on the key areas as well as practical examples including:

  • Changes arising from the new regulations as well as other relevant changes flowing from the 4th Money Laundering Directive.
  • Updated CCAB guidance
  • Updated information about countries with equivalent and those with weak AML regimes
  • A reminder of key procedures and requirements for all firms
  • SWAT UK guidance on the common problems experienced by firms when implementing AML policies and procedures
  • A selection of real (anonymous) queries from firms in practice and the answer provided by SWAT UK. These questions may relate to obtaining identification; the duty to report; the reporting exemption in privileged circumstances; tipping off; and other issues.

2.25pm Refreshment break


Handling enquiries, disclosure agreements & evasion

Gary Brothers, The Independent Tax & Forensic Services LLP

The world of tax is becoming a smaller place.Gary will look at the approach to handling disclosures and investigations, how to effect tax disclosures and how HMRC approach tax evasion cases. Real life case study background will be used to reinforce examples of current HMRC approaches.


General Practice Regulations

David Norris, Mercia Group/SWAT UK

This session will be based on our experience with firms that have undergone review and feedback from the QAD, as well as the comments contained in the QADs own reports on monitoring visits.

  • DPB regulations - why do you need a licence and what procedures do you need if you have a licence
  • Probate - why do you need a licence and what procedures do you need if you have a licence
  • Client money regulations
  • CPD regulations and the firm's responsibility
  • Engagement letters and terms of business
  • Other whole firm procedures

4.30pm Close of conference

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One Day Conference