Mercia Coaching Solutions

At Mercia we recognise that not all development is best achieved through our training programmes. One-to-one coaching has been proved to be one of the most powerful and transformative development tools available for your team. To support and enhance the performance of your team members we have developed the following coaching solutions.

Our Four-Stage Leadership and Business Development Coaching Programme 

Our Leadership and Business Development Coaching Programme enables existing or aspiring leaders within your business to drive their own development and the development on your firm with the help of an experienced executive coach.

The programme is conducted through a series of one-to-one ‘action based’ coaching sessions with each session typically lasting around 90 minutes to two hours.  The sessions can be conducted either face-to-face, online or a blend of both.

The agenda for the coaching sessions will be focused upon the needs and goals of the individual.  The sessions can be used to build on the existing strengths and address any development areas such as:

  • Developing influence and presence within the leadership team
  • Personal resilience
  • Inspirational and authentic leadership
  • Cultural and strategic change
  • Succession planning
  • Handling challenging situations with colleagues and clients
  • Building self-confidence and self-belief
  • Balancing work and personal life
  • Business development strategy skills
  • Marketing your services
  • Websites
  • Digital channels

A typical programme would include:

Stage 1 – Chemistry Alignment and Needs Assessment

Initial discussion to explore your needs whilst getting to understand you as a person. It is also an opportunity to ensure that you are paired with the right coach and thereby enable maximum value to be gained from the programme.

Stage 2 – Preparation and Feedback Gathering

You will be encouraged to clarify your own objectives in line with the wider objectives of your department and firm. The Mercia Feedback Tool will be provided to enable you to gather feedback from your key stakeholders to ensure the coaching focusses on the right areas.

Stage 3 – Action Focused Coaching Sessions

Typically four sessions held over a period of four to six months. During these sessions you will be challenged to seek solutions to your needs to achieve your objectives. Your coach will hold you accountable for actions identified during these sessions whilst supporting you with tools, techniques and strategies to help with the implementation of these actions.

Stage 4 – Programme Evaluation

Programme review meeting to assess outcomes and determine future development routes.

Following each session, a personalised plan is drawn up with clear actions and timescales identified and agreed.  These plans will then be reviewed and discussed at the start of the next session.

Stand-alone Coaching Sessions

Our experienced consultants can provide one-to-one coaching on any of the topics from our Management, Leadership & Business Development Programme.  Using the Mercia Feedback Tool, delegates will be encouraged to gather feedback from their stakeholders and will share with the consultant their personal objectives at the start of the session.

Individual coaching sessions are bookable in 60 minute slots.

In-house Coaching Clinics

Where several people in your firm would benefit from coaching we can set up coaching ‘drop-in’ sessions over the course of a day or half-day.  

For more information about our 4-Stage Leadership Programme or Stand-alone Coaching sessions, contact us.

Michael Siviter

  • Goal setting and achievement
  • Developing your assertiveness
  • Building your confidence and self esteem
  • Personal resilience
  • Improving your Personal productivity
  • Personal impact and presentation
  • Dealing with Different Personalities



John Sharkey

  • Managing and leading through change
  • Balancing work and personal life
  • Personal resilience
  • Mindset and Positive Thinking
  • Building Client Relationships
  • Influencing and Negotiations
  • Leadership Support


Dave Goodyear

  • Websites
  • Apps
  • Social Media
  • Marketing plans
  • Budgeting for Marketing
  • Assessing marketing team
  • skillsets/requirements

Suzanne Tanser

  • Recruitment, motivation & development of a functional sales team
  • How to cross sell & upsell your services
  • Turning good clients into advocates
  • Asking for recommendations
  • Networking
  • Lead generation
  • Identifying new revenue streams for your practice
  • Improving the lifetime value of your clients

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