Want to keep your junior team members engaged and motivated?

  • Mercia Group
  • 2 March 2021 14:25

Give your junior team members the development they need, even in exceptional circumstances

With Boris Johnson’s COVID 19 roadmap indicating that 21 June will be the earliest date out of all COVID 19 restrictions, it looks likely that we could be continuing to work remotely until the summer months. How have you kept your junior team members development on the right track over the last year?

Managing your junior team members development was not without challenge pre-pandemic, but with the added pressures of remote and flexible working, ensuring they are as effective, settled and happy as possible, is more important than ever. We share some tips on how to give your junior talent the training and development they deserve, whilst we continue to navigate the exceptional circumstances we are in.

Keeping connected

Think back to your own personal development in your career. How influential have supportive team members, accessible managers and senior team members’ experience and knowledge been? Whilst it is still possible to build relationships and collaborate remotely, for many junior team members the reduction in face to face contact will be viewed as a barrier.

Keep communication open and be accessible to your junior team members. Whilst this has been a tip included in every blog you have read since March 2020 – it is there for good reason! Previous studies have shown that 65% of all communication is non-verbal, so utilise video conferencing software where you can. Touch base with your junior members of staff to allow them to share ideas, thoughts and any questions they have, as well as taking time to provide guidance and share your own knowledge and experience.  

Prioritise feedback

Working remotely (or even flexibly) poses some challenges for providing constructive feedback to your junior team members. Remain approachable whilst giving feedback and take into consideration that articulating feedback is often easier on a telephone or video call. With email tones and content often getting lost in translation, during a phone or video call you can also gauge the understanding of your team member. It also allows a place for them to communicate with you any ideas, questions or challenges they may have.

Training can still be a priority

With the rise of online training options, training for your junior team members doesn’t have to go on the backburner. Running throughout the year, our Practical Workshops equip your junior team members with knowledge in areas such as:

  • Bookkeeping
  • Accounting
  • Auditing
  • Taxation of Businesses and Individuals

Our workshops are small intimate training groups – allowing for your team’s individuals needs to be met. Our lecturers also use varied ways of learning and resources, including visuals and case studies.

Want to find out how to equip your new starters with this expert knowledge? Visit our Practical Workshop Programme to find out more.

Want some further support on our training options or wider COVID-19 related support? Call our friendly team now on 0330 058 7131 or email sales@mercia-group.com.

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