“To be or not to be” – the iView of the Apple iPhone 4S!

  • Nilesh Parmar
  • 17 October 2011 00:00

Many of us proud followers of the late Steve Jobs will miss the unique style in which he delivers the next best thing from Apple. Without doubt the impact of the launch of the iPhone 4S which at the moment is being tipped as the halfway house to the iPhone 5 will be down to the innovative and creative energies Jobs has applied to his inventions.

Pre-sales reports are telling us that the phone will have overwhelming support and continue the success of the Apple story. So what do we see in the forthcoming iPhone 4S to inspire us to buy? The look may not inspire a design genius but the software capability is very much the selling point of this phone.

So what will it do for us? It is much more about performance boost with downloads speeds being reduced from around 7 megabits per second to 1 mbps. Voice recognition software will give Star Trek like responses to questions like 'How do I get to...?, any good restaurants around here?, when was Shakespeare born? without much effort on getting your accent or voice fine tuned! The 8 MP rear camera with the ability to shoot and edit high definition videos will supposedly send jaws dropping when one sees the end result.

Don't be waiting around for the iPhone 5 as 12 month deals will be plentiful and you can still use your iPhone 4 accessories! Those who will be taking the step - enjoy!

Next week will be looking at apps for the iPhone and discover how it has transformed the early adopters in the Accountancy market and looking at the latest app for your mobile working patterns.

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