Make little tweaks to your website to produce dramatic results

  • Helen Lee
  • 10 March 2020 10:56

We have ten top tips to help you optimise your website and improve the visitor’s online experience

Many website owners don’t have a clear concept. If clients want to find out more about your accountancy firm online and your website can be easily found, you have already added value to the customer experience. If they are unable to find your website, it can be detrimental to your overall online presence. You should put in the time and effort to figure out how to engage your potential and existing clients and encourage better interaction.

How are you going to boost the value of your website?

We have ten top tips to help you optimise your website and improve the visitor’s online experience to make it a pleasant journey!


  1. A fully responsive design is essential. Your site needs to detect whether it is being viewed on a smartphone, a tablet or desktop and be programmed so that it automatically responds to a device. This is exactly what a ‘fully responsive’ website does.

  1. A clutter free layout is essential because visitors don’t want to spend unnecessary time scrolling up and down searching for specific information. Any white space (or dead space) should be significantly reduced and avoid lengthening copy to fill up space.

  1. Use keywords in your content to make it easier for prospective clients to find you. They should reel visitors in so you can analyse behaviour patterns or trends to work out how you can improve the user experience for your next client. By optimising your search, such as ‘accountant in Leicester’ or ‘tax specialist’, your ranking will improve when clients search for your firm online.

  1. Only add clear and minimal content that is simple but high quality and adds value to the website. Streamline by removing any elements that don’t add value or amalgamate with other pages/sections if needed.

  2. Use clear but powerful call to actions – adding links or information to find out more - by using simple words and bold colours. Position them prominently on your pages so it is easy to refer to. Promote one central number and respond to any call back requests promptly otherwise you’ll lose their engagement. Interactive web forms are great for capturing potential clients and encouraging conversation but ensure you follow GDPR protocol!


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  1. Interlink your social media accounts and ask your peers to share with their contacts to increase awareness of new products or services. Use #hashtags in your posts for events and promote on your social media.

  1. Consider the overall look and feel – does it reflect your brand and your vision? Use the same tone of voice across the board for consistency. Use simple colours that attracts the eye around the pages to keep the interest. You want to capture their attention and encourage them to read on. Complement your logo with secondary colours so you have a softer look overall.

  1. Avoid using stock images for the sake of having a picture on your site if you can. Use real imagery where you can and make it relevant to the content. Consider keywords in the images that reflect the content such as innovative, aspirational and technological. If you target local clients, use geographical references in the form of good quality images of local architecture or artefacts that your area is famous for.

  1. Use additional content such as videos – quality visual media is always a bonus and will increase viewers. Add downloadable links on your webpages to relevant material to keep visitors engaged.

  1. Update your ‘About Us’ section on a regular basis and mention events you’re hosting with stand numbers if you are exhibiting. Potential/new clients will read this section if they are visiting for the first time, a great way for them to see that you are active. Use this facility to launch products. Create a blog or events page if you want to shout out about a particular service to a wider audience.


We can help you!

We have a dedicated team who specialise in creating websites, content and social media specifically for accountants. We can also advise on how to maximise your digital marketing. Find out more about how we can help with your online presence.

We also offer help with branding, logo design and creation of marketing material. Visit our Design Service page to find out how we can improve your brand identity.

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