Does your brand represent your service?

  • By Mercia Group
  • 29 May 2019 00:00

In a service first industry, you build a reputation on the way you interact with your clients. You may be known for your stellar knowledge of the industry, the speed and reliability of your work or your natural charm that makes your clients want to be around you. Whether all of this is you or just one, your reputation is the back bone of this integrity filled industry.

While word of mouth isn’t likely to disappear anytime soon, the change in the way we communicate, and growing competition is likely to make it a lot harder. With many sole practitioners in the UK and ROI, the necessity of branding your business correctly is imperative to gaining an advantage. In this blog post we’re going to cover five easy ways you can begin to build your brand around your reputation.


Start by defining you brand

Begin to think of the audience you are providing your service to, the reputation you have accrued or would like to gain and then narrow in on why your service is appealing to customers above your competitors.

By defining the key characteristics of what you represent, it provides the building blocks to the rest of the work you put into your branding (e.g. design, tone of voice)

Consider your tone of voice

Working in a professional environment, you need to consider the way in which you communicate across all platforms. From face to face, to literature and social media having a consistent tone of voice adds credibility to your brand and gives the customer an understanding of what to expect from your service.

The use of imagery

Whether on your website, promotional literature or social media, the imagery you use to give a face to your brand will ultimately lead to the formulation of your clients first impression. Stay clear of dark and low quality images and focus on stock images that represent what it’s like to work with you (professional, personable, smiling images)

Social media engagement

In a world where information travels at the click of a button, having a presence across the popular social media platforms in your industry can have a huge impact on building your brand. Having that voice away from the professional environment you work in, keeps you in the forefront of consumers mind, and if done correctly can propel you into the realm of industry experts if you’re able to keep a narrow focus on your service and industry.


From your logo to website and marketing material, aim to have a consistent theme in your design. Well thought out and consistent design will transcend across your brand and adds credibility behind your service and reputation.


Whether you’ve never thought about your brand before or have started but are not quite sure how best to represent your service in the public eye, our team are here to help you get the most from your brand and showcase the excellent service you are providing. Email or call 0330 058 7141 to learn more about how we can help today.  

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